Aroostook County Knowledge Quiz:

Your Name:

1. What is this a picture of?

A Weed
A Dandelion
A Fiddlehead
A Green Snake

2. In December 2002, this Presque Isle business closed its doors after 116 years of operation.  Up to that time, it was the second oldest and continuous business in Aroostook County

A.R. Gould Memorial Hospital
Wight's Furniture
Fred P. Stevens Co

3. Who is this?

Earl Rideout
A.R Gould
Bobby C.
Gen. George S. Patton

4. What internationally-recognized sports event was held in Presque Isle in 2006?

JR Football League Championship
World Junior Biathlon Championship
No Such Event was in Presque Isle

5.  This famous person gave a speech in Presque Isle's village square (corner of State and Main in front of A.M. Smith) in October 1964. 

Lyndon Johnson
Richard Nixon
Catherine Hepburn
Robert Kennedy

6. What was the "Double Eagle II"?

A Rare Bald Eagle
Famous Presque Isle Cafe
Trans-Atlantic Balloon flight
A Horse

7. This famous landmark is the: 

Presque Isle's State Theatre
Presque Isle's Braden Theatre
Caribou Multiplex
Houlton's Temple Theatre

8. What was the nickname of the first "Phish" concert held at the old Loring Air Force Base in 1997?

The Great Went